Now it seems to be our turn in the United States, full blown censorship has risen in the entanglement of the state with high tech social media.

I am at this moment encountering authoritarian opposition to my commentary having to do with the so-called "Vaccines" produced for Covid 19.

Bill Heath is commenting on the Glenn Greenwald forum also. Our views are not exactly the same. but we are not in conflict like I am with this character Phil Biss, who actually wants me to be banned for my views. Like many authoritarian personalities, he refuses to look at he evidence I have offered and instead just calls me a liar and other ad hominem remarks.

One has to wonder how such a person can end up on Glenn Greenwald's site. He is utter antithetical to the thinking of Greenwald. I am astonished.

It is disturbing enough to see such authoritarian in the leftist mainstream media and coming from the Biden regime.


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It's a huge meta-problem. I was a young reader of SF so the limitless possibilities of everything always seemed right. The way we are being asked to think now there'd be no airflight.

I agree people won't read enough of what you or Bill write once they decide they disagree. But also, a person needs a lot of context and most no longer have that.

One thing I learned from many years of teaching is to try nd make on one or two points. Very few people have the attention span required to absorb complex arguments. You are also happier as you lose less. I mean save your powder. One thing that's been fun about writing these short pieces is that the desire to control others' thoughts seems inborn.. People just can't accept that there is a way to think about things different than theirs. Actually, knowing this makes me patient.

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I came to history through my love of speculative fiction...it is a natural continuum. The future becomes the past so very quickly. Much of the sci fi I read as a kid has come true in my lifetime. Of course the trips to the Moon were some of the most dramatic events.

Personal computers seemed to take us all by surprise as per a lack of prediction in fiction.

But the spreading metropolis' and cloverleaf highway designs certainly looked like science fiction to me as the developed.

Now we seem to have gone from Nineteen Eighty Four to Brave New World and looped on those memes for the last few decades until the memes synthesized into a blendomatic matrix of woke woowoo.

I stand astonished!


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The video is compelling

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