Tbilisi, UNESCO’s World Book Capital,1 has mounted a show themed on Georgia’s censorious past—and the present dangers of self-censorship.
The Democratic Republic of Georgia, the former Soviet state, has mounted an exhibition called Untamed Books: Banned Books Week in Georgia.2 It is running through Saturday (October 2), hosted by two publishing houses, Intelekti and Artanuji. The site of the show is the Literature Museum in Tbilisi.3
“Georgia’s Soviet history of the last century is full of stories about banned literature and punished writers. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the history of censorship left us and now we have a slight sense of relief because luckily it now belongs to our past, when the censors reviewed and controlled everything in any way associated with creativity and thinking: literature and writing, scientific papers, film, theater, and the visual arts.”
Anderson, Porter (2021). Banned Books Week: Tbilisi’s ‘Untamed Books’ Exhibition. Publishing Perspectives.
Now it seems to be our turn in the United States, full blown censorship has risen in the entanglement of the state with high tech social media.
I am at this moment encountering authoritarian opposition to my commentary having to do with the so-called "Vaccines" produced for Covid 19.
Bill Heath is commenting on the Glenn Greenwald forum also. Our views are not exactly the same. but we are not in conflict like I am with this character Phil Biss, who actually wants me to be banned for my views. Like many authoritarian personalities, he refuses to look at he evidence I have offered and instead just calls me a liar and other ad hominem remarks.
One has to wonder how such a person can end up on Glenn Greenwald's site. He is utter antithetical to the thinking of Greenwald. I am astonished.
It is disturbing enough to see such authoritarian in the leftist mainstream media and coming from the Biden regime.
The video is compelling