Thanks, Kathleen, for telling us what is happening to news and opinion sources that most of us are completely unaware of. So much is going on around the world that we will never know about because most of us are so limited in language skills. Thanks to all the translators who make it possible for us to keep up with a few things that are going on!

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Леська лукавит, когда говорит, что ихняя власть боится радикалов. Сашко Билый в аду наглядно демонстрирует, как власть избавляется от радикалов, если они ей мешают

>>Oleksandr Ivanovych Muzychko nicknamed Sashko Bilyi (Alex White), was a Ukrainian political ... They murdered Muzychko behind the café with two gunshots to the heart.<<


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Bad all around and we need to be able to know what everyone is up to, don't we?. Mono-lingual people at great disadvantage.

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We Americans rarely speak anything but English. My Spanish is quite good as is my German; I once was qualified as a court translator in French. My Portuguese is awful; I speak Portunhol, a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish, which works nicely until you assume the Portuguese word for a small bus is the same as the Spanish. The very proper elderly lady I asked in Sao Paulo where I could find a (obscene word for) vagina was most displeased.

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