Ian Fleming, who wrote the James Bond novels, also founded the journal, the Book Collector. 1
Ian Fleming was an Astounding Book Collector
Fleming’s book collecting was focused on books that signalised a right-angle turn in the world’s thought on any particular subject. Fleming’s impressive collection of first editions focused on the crucial books of modern civilisation; TV, atomic fission, X-Rays, birth control, the motor car, penicillin; topics which he said “started something.”2
The Printing and the Mind of Man exhibition catalog comprised of many books from Fleming’s collection put on at two locations to coincide with the 1963 International Printing Machinery and Allied Trades Exhibition —an exhibition of the contribution printing had made to the enlargement of human knowledge.
Shaken and Stirred or - Podcast
The free podcast, Shaken and Stirred, 3 is posted today at the website of the Book Collector. The podcast includes the full recipe for John Carter's Dry Martini read by James Fleming.
Listen Free here:
Fergusson, James. 2017. “Ian Fleming & Book Collecting [Special Issue].” The Book Collector 66 (1): 11–214.
“Starting Something: About The Book Collector.“ The Book Collector.
Text of the podcast written by Victoria Dailey is included in Book Collector’s Winter 2023 Printing and the Mind of Man special issue.
As a devoted Martini drinker, I have to note that “stirred” is Pierre’s to “shaken.” If you shake the ingredients, it results in a cloudy cocktail.
What a fascinating subject for a book collection!