As part of his 100 Novels Project, performance artist Tim Youd will retype Nelson Algren’s The Man with the Golden Arm in the Newberry Library1 vestibule from July 26, 2022 to August 12, 2022.
Youd will retype The Man with the Golden Arm on the same make/model typewriter that Algren himself used, a Remington 17.
100 Novels Project
Tim Youd says of the 100 Novels Project2:
I am engaged in the retyping of 100 novels over a ten-year period. I retype each novel on the same make/model typewriter in a location charged with literary significance specific to the subject novel. Each performance is a multi-day, often multi-week event. With my just-completed retyping of John Rechy’s City of Night, I have now retyped 48 novels at various locations in the United States and Europe over a four-year period. The ongoing project has been the subject of numerous museum exhibitions and has received a significant number of positive critical reviews and popular press exposures.
Tim Youd Retypes “The Man with the Golden Arm” Newberry Library.
Tim Youd, 100 Novels Project.
What an interesting idea. The project reminds me of so many of the books I heard of or read years ago. It's nice to know that they are still being talked about.
"Youd will retype The Man with the Golden Arm on the same make/model typewriter that Algren himself used, a Remington 17."
Umm, OK! Sure! (I just remember the movie with Frank Sinatra in it.)
i've never seen or read /leave her to heaven/