I made a deep study of the establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine manny years ago.
It was an open secret that this was a tragic and unlawful event by the western powers to steal land that was not theirs and grant ownership to another people who had been wronged, not by Palistinians, or any Arab states, but by the German Nazi Reich.
What ever Jews once lived in Palistine for centuries past had in the main become Muslim, although there were small enclaves if Christian Palistinians living in peace with the Muslims.
The radicalization of Islamists had roots in valid grievances.
This too was a part of the Rhodes - Milner plan to dominate the world with British culture, this time by proxy, by importing Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe to the 'Holy Land'. Their heritage is obvious in their fair skin and light eyes and hair.
Once again we see that the history of censorship, even by governments that state they believe in free speech is subject to circumstances. Similar to today's suppression of social media.
I learned a different version of events. In the late 1800s Jews bought land believed by its then-owners, Palestinian Arabs, to be worthless. I assume you understand the term Insh'allah. If God wills it, the land will be fruitful and bear crops. The land does not bear crops, therefor it must be God's will that it remain barren.
Jews had a similar belief, but extended it beyond God's will. If God wills it, and if I plow, irrigate, fertilize and weed the crops, then it will no longer be barren. The land suddenly grew trees, tubers, vines and other plants. Arab peasants believed this was done by magic, and thought little more about it. They were poor and hungry, and the Jews paid them to work in the fields they once owned. The Jews also spread the word that one could buy inexpensive land and work it properly; several hundred thousand heard the call. They emigrated to Palestine and their numbers grew.
Poor, hungry peasants turned to their rulers, almost all hereditary monarchs, and asked for aid. The rulers, no different from other totalitarian rulers, explained to them that the fault wasn't theirs, the Jews had cheated them out of their land. This turned attention (and blame) away from the rulers and toward the Jews. Thus was born the Arab-Jew divide, which ended 1,500 years of peaceful coexistence..
Mr. Whitten, I, too, have appetite for a quarrel. I share with you a perspective that is uncommon. It is that many understandings can arise from a single set of objective truths.
I made a deep study of the establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine manny years ago.
It was an open secret that this was a tragic and unlawful event by the western powers to steal land that was not theirs and grant ownership to another people who had been wronged, not by Palistinians, or any Arab states, but by the German Nazi Reich.
What ever Jews once lived in Palistine for centuries past had in the main become Muslim, although there were small enclaves if Christian Palistinians living in peace with the Muslims.
The radicalization of Islamists had roots in valid grievances.
This too was a part of the Rhodes - Milner plan to dominate the world with British culture, this time by proxy, by importing Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe to the 'Holy Land'. Their heritage is obvious in their fair skin and light eyes and hair.
This is the tragedy of Zion.
Once again we see that the history of censorship, even by governments that state they believe in free speech is subject to circumstances. Similar to today's suppression of social media.
I learned a different version of events. In the late 1800s Jews bought land believed by its then-owners, Palestinian Arabs, to be worthless. I assume you understand the term Insh'allah. If God wills it, the land will be fruitful and bear crops. The land does not bear crops, therefor it must be God's will that it remain barren.
Jews had a similar belief, but extended it beyond God's will. If God wills it, and if I plow, irrigate, fertilize and weed the crops, then it will no longer be barren. The land suddenly grew trees, tubers, vines and other plants. Arab peasants believed this was done by magic, and thought little more about it. They were poor and hungry, and the Jews paid them to work in the fields they once owned. The Jews also spread the word that one could buy inexpensive land and work it properly; several hundred thousand heard the call. They emigrated to Palestine and their numbers grew.
Poor, hungry peasants turned to their rulers, almost all hereditary monarchs, and asked for aid. The rulers, no different from other totalitarian rulers, explained to them that the fault wasn't theirs, the Jews had cheated them out of their land. This turned attention (and blame) away from the rulers and toward the Jews. Thus was born the Arab-Jew divide, which ended 1,500 years of peaceful coexistence..
Mr. Heath, I have no incentive to argue with you or anyone else on the real history of the Palistinian - Israeli conflict.
Mine is a global perspective which is usually at odds to official narratives of disperate parties, states and peoples.
Mr. Whitten, I, too, have appetite for a quarrel. I share with you a perspective that is uncommon. It is that many understandings can arise from a single set of objective truths.