"hostile campus environments for minoritized students"

Academic liberals often seem to display something akin to Munchausen by Proxy:

Sicken your charge (those white kids are dangerously privileged! how can you handle coming to a place founded by people who don't look like you? be on the alert for classic microaggressions like hair touching and asking where you're from, etc.);

Then the administrative staff and other concerned parties appear with healing words, safe spaces, and a number you can dial if someone hurts your feelings (the world is hostile and dangerous, but mama will always be here to protect you)...

Or: you can't be a savior, if there are no victims.

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Yes, these be solutiosn in search of problems. I have only one instance of my being questioned about my teaching. I had a class devoted to military museums in the U.S. (there are many) and a student was upset by the topic. I told her she could do an alternative topic so avoided being reported. I think most in cases things could be addressed one on one.

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I never want to be cavalier about anyone suffering discrimination, but in 2023 it's just hard to believe in "hostile campus environments for minoritized students" after we've been through multiple "racial reckonings", after just about every institution in the Anglosphere has pledged themselves to "antiracism" and now that there seems to be about 1 diversity dean for every 3 students. That boy has cried wolf too long...

If you're old enough to apply to college and attend, you're old enough to navigate the world and solve disputes on your own...how else do they expect young people to grow up?

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A present:



“I Am Not A Dress” by @brandubh4

We are women, we are warriors of steel.

Woman is something no man will ever feel.

Woman is not a skill that any man can hone.

Woman is our word and it is ours alone.

I am not a dress to be worn on a whim,

A man in a dress is nonetheless a him.

Women are not simply what we wear.

If this offends you, I do not care.

I am not an idea in any man’s mind

And my purpose in life is not to be kind.

So while my rights are trampled every day of the week,

I will not stand by being docile and meek.

I am not defined by sexist lies.

There is more to a woman than that shallow guise,

That guise of dresses, bikinis, and skirts.

Those clothes are not what womanhood is worth.

I am not a bitch, a TERF, a whore, a slag,

Hysterical, witch, a slut, a hag.

No, I am a woman. I am a female,

Who will not let her rights be put up for sale.

I am not defined by what men are not,

So to hell with cis misogynistic rot.

I am a woman, I’m not as subset of my sex.

If this makes me a dinosaur, so be it, I’m a T-Rex.

I am not a bleeder nor a menstruator,

A womb carrier or a uterus haver.

These words and phrases are such a sham.

Just call me woman, it’s who I am.

We are women, we are warriors of steel.

Woman is something no man will ever feel.

Woman is not a skill that any man can hone.

Woman is our word and it is ours alone.

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Do the bias police ever consider the possibility that some, if not most, minority students apply to predominantly white schools because they actually WANT to be in a 'white' environment?

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Do you mean marginalized?

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I think that is what it said but I bet they meant marginalized.

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Sorry, didn’t realize it was a quote

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I added quotations!

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My bad. Sorry.

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