Acknowledging the sins of the past is instructive. I admire your dispassionate writing on the subject. You're not cherry-picking to make anyone look good or bad. You're a librarian, someone who should be canonized while still alive. If you can make sense of any of this, thank a librarian.

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Thanks, Bill. I have long known this range of censorship (I have index cards!) but rambling through the ages and the nations on the topic makes it clear to me that it has been the norm forever. I check the citations and have footnotes. The new world of social media makes censoring so much easier. Just a delete key--no need to get out tools and chisel someone's name off a clay tablet. The main thing coming through to me as I am studying this material is how that people have always had the impulse to impose truth as they see it. And THANK you for encouraging me to do this--you gave me the idea in one of your comments at another substack. I don't expect to get a lot of readers, but the ones who do take a look will always have my citations to check.

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