Once Art became about theories, interpretations, social and political positioning, once every artwork came with a long explanation larded w jargon, this was its inevitable end.

Or: once Art could be anything it became nothing, and once being an artist didn't involve talent, skill, technique etc it meant anyone could be an "artist", which explains such 21st-century masterpieces as the guy who canned his own shit or the many female "artists" who consider exposing their breasts and genitals "art".

Wake me when and if Western culture ever exits its "infants dancing on the grave of the Old World" stage, which if it were a person, would be able to apply for Social Security by now.

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O, you are in Emperor has no clothes mode.

But what you say has been around for over 100 years so what I don't get is why does the art world still think this is edgy?

Marcel DuChamp-1917


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I realize that bastard Duchamp is to blame here! ;)

(But at least he was a truly gifted artist.)

But speaking of the French: what was the antinomian creed of a small group of Parisian esthetes 100 yrs ago—the desperate need to NEVER EVER appear bourgeois, and to display this at all times in all ways—has become the shared foundational creed of all educated Westerners interested in art and culture.

Here in America, we are at least 50 yrs into the cult of transgression (which involves tweaking ideas and morals that didn't even survive into this century), and it shows no signs of slowing down.

I saw Annie Sprinkle, Karen Finley and Mapplethorpe almost 40 yrs ago (!!) and reflexive transgression was already growing stale by then...

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Yes, worst thing one can be called is bourgeois to those who are taste-makers (or think they are).

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First time in half a century I’ve seen antinomian used correctly

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i've been waiting to break that out!

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Isn't that what Bitcoin is about?

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good one.

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You are confusing Bitcoin with fiat money. Fiat can be valued or devalued at the arbitrary whim of the government or a Central Bank. More fiat money can be printed. None of these parameters apply to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is finite, and its only controlling authority is immutable mathematics. You have much to learn about Bitcoin, my son.

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I am afraid I am unable to understand a construct that is run by fast talking salesmen and glib mathematicians. Fiat currency is used to finance wars and found political movements. Both are human follies. And I'm sure I am probably old enough to be your father.

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Thanks for the explainer.

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Thank you, Kathleen !!! Also:

Why the 2024 US election will be decided by Google | Should Trudeau Stand Down as Canadian PM?

https://www.patreon.com/posts/why-2024-us-will-89967207 -- OUTSTANDING !!

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“Take the Money and Run” is kind of brilliant--or at least I think so!

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