In a room off one of the long passages sits the largest trove of Sherlock materials ever compiled — first editions, manuscripts, correspondence. But it isn't just an archive of Conan Doyle's original work, it's a record of Sherlock's status as a pop culture icon. That means there are board games and giant stuffed rats and crocheted odes to the detective. 1
The Sherlock Holmes Collections at the University of Minnesota Library constitute the world’s largest gathering of material related to Sherlock Holmes and his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collection publishes a newsletter in support of the collection. 2
The oldest journal devoted to Sherlock Holmes is The Baker Street Journal.3
Mumford, Tracy (2015). Exploring the largest Sherlock Holmes archive in the world. MPRNews (June 27).
LERNER, FRED. 2016. “Sherlock Holmes and the Libraries He Used.” Baker Street Journal 66 (3): 44–55.
I had no idea a collection like this exists in the States! I can relate to Snoopy's reaction to The Hound - same!
Now that is really awesome!