
I don't like a lot about Stacey Abrams but the All-Star game being moved broke hearts. When she was president of the universe in Star whatever I just stopped with them.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Kathleen McCook

The fast spreading "woke" nihilism in western academia onto K-12 education and arts & culture reminds me of the Taliban's destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan. It's ignorant and superficial but deeply damaging. Whatever the original high flying ideals may have been, Its goal now can not be seen as being "critical", in matter of fact anything that has "critical" in its title these days is anything but, but to destroy history, tradition and culture in the name of some juvenile imagined new wordly harmony of endless multitudes of races, genders, ethnicities, cultures and ...fill in here your favorite fantasy of heaven on earth. Everything and everybody is "racist" and "imperialist" and the meaning of words and terminology have been watered down to mean actually almost nothing. The new educators are the least educated. It's a comedy and a tragedy.

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I have it on good authority that in the original Rome was a F2M transgender man and Juliet was a M2F transgender woman; they didn't commit suicide but were killed by the white supremacist patriarchy. And Montague and Capulet are an anagram for critical race theory in an alternative spelling of Runes.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Kathleen McCook

Looks like 'Creative New Zealand' decision makers should be sacked either for ignorance or incompetence - you referenced articles (especially the very much the non-post Marxist WSWS analysis) provide ample indications.

Other than that, the idea of these plays just being the result of an individual author goes against what we know of how plays were created in that era - they were very much collective effort, even involving the audience. Publishing them was an afterthought. This is not to deny Shakespeare's central role, but to refute attempts to projet modern notions of 'authorship' back into his era.*

*Masten, Jeffrey A. 1992. « Beaumont and/or Fletcher: Collaboration and the Interpretation of Renaissance Drama ». English Literary History 59 (2): 337‑56. https://doi.org/10.2307/2873346.

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Well, at least the outcry that this is causing will probably make more people aware of how much Shakespeare has to offer to modern life and culture.

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FYI (optional reading 😉 ) GG tweets – extracted ~Nov 7 period https://twitter.com/ggreenwald

• This is a group that pretends to speak for Jews. In reality, it's just another banal, standard Dem Party/liberal activist group whose core function is to exploit these causes to agitate for censorship of anyone who questions liberal establishment orthodoxy.

It's the Jewish @HRC

ADL: “Today, we are joining dozens of other groups to ask advertisers to pause Twitter spending because we are profoundly concerned about antisemitism and hate on the platform. Here's why we're asking advertisers to #StopHateForProfit and #StopToxicTwitter -- https://stophateforprofit.org/statement-calling-on-advertisers”

• The scam is to scare corporations by knowing they'll be accused of anti-Semitism unless they bow to ADL's dictates about what ideas and people they can and can't associate with, just as @HRC exploits reckless homophobia accusations to coerce obedience. It's pro-DNC censorship.

• (re-tweet): AOC is a deeply unserious person

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Elon Musk is sabotaging her Twitter account

• Joy Reid's understanding of history really does begin in 2017. As sketchy as that understanding is, she has no idea that history existed before Trump. The ignorance is stunning. How can someone like this be on TV every night talking about politics, even to a tiny audience?

• In 1974, "President Ford plunged headfirst into the crisis. His first and most public move was to combat inflation. He declared inflation 'public enemy number one.'"

Ford's brand was "WIN: Whip Inflation Now."

How the fuck does Joy Reid know nothing about everything???

• This little dunce - who wouldn't sacrifice for a cause if he lived to be 1,000 - thinks the Kremlin told Snowden to re-tweet a WashPost reporter's mention of a George Will column lightly critiquing Kamala Harris.

• How do these people mock QAnon when they're as conspiratorial?

Aaron Rupar @atrupar: “it really isn't when you realize that Snowden's entire purpose right now is using his platform to advance the Russian government's interests -- hurting the Democratic Party and thereby helping Republicans win office, which ultimately will undermine the US's support for Ukraine twitter.com/_GreatDelusion…”

• But that tweet does express one of the core views of Democratic partisans in media. It's really how they think now.

If you criticize the Dem Party or its leaders then, by definition, you're doing the work of the Kremlin. All critics of Biden are, by definition, Putin stooges.

• Sometimes, parts of our politics become so insane and unhinged for so long that one forgets how demented they are. Starting in 2017, it became completely standard for Dem politicians and DNC media stars to accuse all critics of being Kremlin assets:

Michael Tracey @mtracey:

Congressman Can't Answer Simple Question About His Own Bill, So Accuses Me of Working for the Russian Government


• The primary tactic of American liberalism (Dem Party version) is to police and control the flow of information online by silencing, de-platforming, excluding and otherwise punishing anyone who questions of dissents from their pieties and decrees of Truth and Falsity.

Elon Musk @elonmusk: “Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists.

Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.

• The lesson Democrats (and their US Security State partners) derived from their humiliating 2016 loss was that the preservation and expansion of their power requires tight control over the internet.

Corporate power (through advertising pressure) is one of their primary tools.

• This is why *the overwhelming majority* of Democrats support **state control** of information online in the name of fighting "disinformation."

In other words, if Big Tech won't capitulate to their censorship demands, Dems want political leaders to mandate that censorship.

• I spoke last night on Fox about a woefully under-covered story: The EU made it *illegal* for any platform to air RT or other Russian media. Now France is demanding US platforms, such as Rumble, obey this and remove RT. Rumble refused, defending its right to air what it wants

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Thank you !! New Zealand is becoming stranger and stranger -- let Maoris back to power.. ;-))

The US is equally strange: FBI demands 66 YEARS to release data on Seth Rich laptop – (his murder is still unresolved.)

2020 elections were indeed STOLEN – by FBI !!

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It gets nuttier and nuttier.

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A shame. Where can you write to the Arts Council?

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I've seen this on more than one campus: an official rejection of the Western Canon because it's based on the achievements of white males. But without that, what's left to teach? Leftist propaganda?

Ironically, the academic elites are engaging anti-intellectualism to bolster their own control of intellectual thought.

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