The film, Scarface (1932), based on a novel by Armitage Trail was banned1 because it glorified violence and crime. It was edited, and released after much legal wrangling. 2
In 1994 Scarface was inducted into the National Film Registry at the Library of Congress.3
Springhall, John (2004). "Censoring Hollywood: Youth, moral panic and crime/gangster movies of the 1930s". The Journal of Popular Culture. 32 (3): 135–154.
Yogerst, Chris (June 20, 2017). "Hughes, Hawks, and Hays: The Monumental Censorship Battle Over Scarface (1932)". The Journal of American Culture. 40 (2): 134–144.
National Film Preservation Board; 1994-2002 Films Selected for Inclusion in the National Film Registry. Federal Register, March 13, 2003.
Does this mean there's still a chance for "Revenge of the Naked Ninja Slime Commandos from Outer Space Part XLVII?"