In the movie Contact, the young Dr. Ellie Arroway operates a ham with her dad. Their call sign is W9GFO.

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It is surprising how many people are hams. When we set up for the football special event it was near graduation day and grads were coming to the stadium with parents. Many said they were hams and (as hams do) gave their call signs. The kids were like, "wait..what?" Before the Internet ham radio was the way people reached out. Nearly 1 million licensed hams in the U.S.-KN4IJM

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I have a neighbor who raises a huge antenna on occasion. I’m guessing they ham but I haven’t had the opportunity to ask. It’s in their backyard and we can see it from our front porch when they raise it.

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Yes. In rural areas there are permanent ones but in more urbanized areas they need to be mobile. right now the big thing is POTA-Parks on the Air--people go to parks and activate to other parks. All kinds of crazy options to raise rigs on trucks. I'm more of an observer for that sort of activity, but I like the ingenuity. https://parksontheair.com/

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