I don't know how you keep up with all this!

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O, what I do is if I see something about a book or a library I try and find an interesting story. A mention of the Gemmæ antiquæ cælatæ in a catalog caused me to look into it and then when I found the author made the monocle popular I couldn't resist. All weird roads lead to libraries.

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Are you still working in a library or are you retired now?

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I'm teaching library history online for USF School of Information (Tampa). So, really, a lot of what I discover for this Substack is fromsources I read getting ready for classes. I'm happy to say the class always fills...even in these digital days.

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Wow, very cool! And that does explain a lot of the research.

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Right--if you didn't know that I look like some crazy library wanderer.

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Fascinating story!

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