Founded in 1956, the Private Libraries Association is an international society of book collectors – collectors of rare books, fine books, single authors, special subjects, and, above all collectors of books for the simple pleasures of reading and ownership. 1
The Private Libraries Association publishes the quarterly journal, The Private Library
The Private Library, is the Association’s quarterly journal. Some issues are available on the website; others may be purchased. 2
Some articles:
Printing on Iona
A Collector’s Guide to The Stanbrook Abbey Press
Bernard Middleton’s Bindery
the Morte Darthur & Aubrey Beardsley
The Private Libraries Association Publishes Monographs
A comprehensive general history of publishers’ dust jackets from the earliest known in 1819 until the Edwardian period. The appendices list all known jackets issued until 1870.
The Zaehnsdorfs (1842-1947), Craft Bookbinders
Early Lithographed Books.
An extensive treatise on lithography in the first half of the C19th in Europe complete with an extensive catalogue of lithographically produced books and bibliography.
An annual bibliography of private Press Books.3
The Private Library. Back issues are available, and “Tables of Contents” may be viewed online at the website,