
The Old Believers exhibit at LoC was just before the fall of the USSR. The video has considerable commentary by Librarian of COngress Billington who sounded quite moved by them.

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Oh, Kathleen. Isn't there a paid version for this treasure of a newsletter? You are so consistent in lighting up my inbox, it's easy to overlook the fact that this is simply the best thing I am subscribed to, period. I forget who tipped me off to you but I should be paying them, too. I can't see a paid subscription link here - is that by design?

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This is a fascinating post about the Old Believers in Russia and around the world. I first encountered some Old Believers on a flight from Alaska to Siberia back in 1995 (on my way to a library conference, of course) and discovered a little bit about how widespread their communities are. But you have brought in so much more information. Thank you!

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