These are hilarious! The rock-licking paper takes me back to my 8th-grade earth science final exam, for which we had to identify several different rocks. One rock looked like either halite or quartz, so I licked it to find out for sure. My teacher saw me licking the rock and praised me for my scientific thinking, so maybe he was an author of that study!

(The rock was quartz.)

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Great fun! Do you remember The Journal of Irreproducible Results? This is funnier! Thanks, Kathleen!

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I haven't thought about that...I wonder if it's still in business. Thanks!

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This is awesome. The other day I had to do some research for work and accidentally stumbled on an article that was using Raman spectroscopy to analyze the molecular components of a package of Ramen noodles... feels like it deserves an honorable mention!

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Wonderful. The part about “making you think” is spot on. “Cadaveric Population”? Wait. Is that a thing?? Not a thing I want to think about. But yes, a thing.

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