Nobel winner V.S. Naipaul banned in India
An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization-Banned!
An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization (1964) by V.S. Naipaul, 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature, was banned in India.1
Due to Naipaul’s stringent evaluations of different cultures, he acquired many enemies. .. Naipaul continued to generate adversaries with a trilogy on India: An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization and India: A Million Mutinies Now. He alienated a great many Indians and people of Indian descent, The first book was even originally banned from India. 2
Sandhu, Amandeep. A brown sahib’s gaze. The Hindu. Nov.2, 2014.
TU houses the late Nobel Prize-winning author V.S. Naipaul’s entire archive. University of Tulsa, August 29, 2018.