This is an amazing story. We are lucky that the first text set in movable time has been preseved so well for so long. It will be a pleasure for the world to celebrate its return to Korea.
I am confused as to whether there was only one copy of the Jikji printed? (You say someone owned "the Jikji" as if there was only one). And do we think the knowledge was transmitted to Gutenberg or was that an independent (though later) invention?
This is an amazing story. We are lucky that the first text set in movable time has been preseved so well for so long. It will be a pleasure for the world to celebrate its return to Korea.
Isn't it???
I am confused as to whether there was only one copy of the Jikji printed? (You say someone owned "the Jikji" as if there was only one). And do we think the knowledge was transmitted to Gutenberg or was that an independent (though later) invention?
It looks like this is the only one that survives. And that's a good q. about Gutenberg....I am going to follow this group who are studying it.
What’s your belief on returning it to SK?
I think everything ought to go back where it originated. This didn't seem to be stolen but France ought to let them have back.