This is not surprising in a country where the weather forecast was considered classified.

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Perhaps someday we will learn to look at art in its own terms and not decide beforehand whether it is produced by the "good guys" or the "bad guys". If it is art, it's probably too complicated to fit into such narrow categories and we miss a lot by deciding beforehand how we are going to see it.

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I agree. From looking at reviews it seems because he was against the revolution he was ignored by reviewers. Then when the USSR fell he was reinstated by Russia but we in the West have not read him much. I actually saw the movie and then went to read about him and saw he'd been censored in the USSR and ignored in the west because during WWII of course we were on Stalin's team. I find that whatever their politics most who have won the Nobel Prize are interesting for their writing.

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In the meantime we "must" hate Russia and China as much as possible ;-))

Although -- China is far more capitalist than the US, Russia has not been Communist for 30+ years, while the US is a corporate socialism (more polite term for fascism)

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China is a brutal dictatorship and the most dangerous enemy the US has..

The US still has its heritage expressed in the Declaration of Independence, and the principles are still held dear by at least half of our citizens,

The National Security State can and will eventually abolished, and the republic reinstated. So help me God.


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"China is a brutal dictatorship and the most dangerous enemy the US has.." -- sign that you are completely brainwashed by US War party propaganda - if not demented. War Is a Multi-Trillion-Dollar Racket and the Pentagon Knows It


“Threats” are immensely profitable for all players – the main and truly obscene objective are endless threats and endless wars

Example – War Party’s apparatchik Victoria Nuland maintained top government positions under four (4) US presidents, including now with Biden.

We need to agitate for freedom and democracy in – our beloved USA. Although near term hopeless -- I believe in multi-party system, unlike current one party monopoly with two right wings.

China raised 800 million of its citizens - from periodic mass starvation into middle class -- an unprecedented success -- while DNC and GOP oligarchs essentially eliminated middle class in the US.

"53K US contractors in the Middle East versus -- for 35K troops" !!! What a lucrative business and worth unlimited donations to both DNC and GOP politicians. Highlighting just that "detail" -- tells it all....

A 1%-er War party with two right (DNC and GOP) wings -- gay marriage, abortion, "woke", and other imposed topics are just distractions to divide 99% of population into "red" and "blue" camps.

But brainwashed US citizen agitate "freeing" China and increasing hate of Moslems, Russians, Chinese, Martians - just to avoid thinking about our own beloved country. 1%-er overlords are playing us like a violin...

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Nuland really has had a lot of unelected power. Tracing her career is eye opening.

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Let's face it Petrov, you are a Marxist.

If you are actually claiming that there is no difference between The Neo-Marxist Biden regime, and the constitutional actions of the Trump administration, anyone paying attention for the last 9 months can see that your position is nonsense.


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"Neo-Marxist Biden regime" -- this is pure lunacy -- have you started drinking again or is it just old age?

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A Summary of Neo-Marxism


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Modern China is an example of Neo-Marxism, an authoritarian regime that has incorporated corporatist financial principles into its system.


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So Boris, you actually consider a slur against me as a valid argument?

You don't even know what Neo-Marxism is.


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It's certain that Bunin does not have the public that his work merits. Perhaps it's partly because the White Russians who escaped the USSR became easily caricatured as featherheaded fascists. It's worth remembering that up until the show trials of the 1930s a lot of the left in the US saw a potential for good in the Communist system. In the USA, back in the radicalized 1930s, mediocrities like Sholokhov, for example, received a fair amount of attention while Bunin was ignored for not getting with the program. The Russian emigres were a fascinating group of people, immensely cultured and often quite brilliant--Nabokov being the prime example. To disagree slightly, I'd point out that Bunin's masterful short story, "The Gentleman from San Francisco" was in a few anthologies that were around back in the dark ages when I went to college. It's one of my favorite stories, certainly on the level of Chekhov and Tolstoy. Interestingly, Mikhail Baryshnikov commissioned and acted in an adaptation of Bunin's story "In Paris" in, well, Paris a few years ago. It's a very touching story, and the production looks fascinating. Thank you for writing about Bunin. I hope he has more readers.

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You are correct about "The Gentleman from San Francisco" but I am not sure many who know that story known Bunin. Do you think Amor Towles was channeling him in _ A Gentleman from Moscow_? Politics made us fairly oblivious to the White Russians who maybe now will be rediscovered. How Nabokov emerged is kind of mysterious when so few did--though the Ballet Russes had their day. Our loss.

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I didn't know that Amor Towles was channeling him -- hm, good to know. Nabokov had the advantage of that terrifyingly good English, unlike the others, and that ticket to the USA. Still, it is mysterious.

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O, I just meant the title.

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The Peace of Westphalia: Phase Shift in World History


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Kathleen when you save a YouTube at current time. be sure it is at the beginning of the clip.


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Thanks. I check the links but not the YouTube.

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