I love this story! That description of sailors... just not really a class we have in the same way anymore.

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Although we may feel low now and then the world has come far in peoples' rights. This was not so long ago.

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All this while they're busy overhauling the USS Texas last of the steel dreadnoughts.

"If informed of or directed to hospitals, asylums or other places of relief ashore which do not bear the name Seamen's they are unwilling to approach them and will submit to be driven to such receptacles-only by extreme misery."

Some people are good at going to hospital, and some people are my mother.


what can you do?

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O you read between the line on this. It was hard to explain but you got it!

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🤭 So I finally got the procedure on Friday: the ear doctor cuts a slice into the eardrum, and inserts a tiny plastic tube. At which point the ears drain, such as my good right ear, which has been clogged up with fluid for four years (intermittently for seven), and my (slightly less good) left ear, which has mostly been open, but then decided to clog up completely over the summer. To the point it felt like my head would explode. The result was a headache inducing pain as the eardrum heals around the tube, a constant burning sensation as the Eustachian tubes which had been clogged with fluid, then burned from contact good old atmosphere. I could deal with that, but everything has been insanely LOUD *and* my ears burned all weekend. 🙃

At any rate, forty years of reading opeds and 25 years of various loons on the internet and I'm now very good at reading between the lines, although I try to keep that tuned down due it causing excessive paranoia.

At any rate, I did, in fact, watch all those reruns of 'WWI', the half-hour documentary series CBS patched together with old archival film (cheap!) in the 60's, narrated by Milk Wallace (I think), so I know all about dreadnoughts. Also, they would never show that show on the History channel because of low production values and the narration (very good) would be deemed too complex for modern audiences. So.


another day, another canadian dollar; ok, maybe a confederate dollar

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Maybe cotton would help until you get used to it. Agree on those older documentaries.. great content but today's audiences would find quality too low.

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I'm adjusting mostly. When the ear drum closes around the tube it'll be normal.

I owe you a library story, but not tonight.


too tired

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Great story!

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Very interesting story! I'm glad all those sailors got the help they needed.

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I was aware that sailors were a special class thanks to British Bake Off: Aggie West was known as the Mother of the British Navy. She wrote newsletters for seamen, inventing tinned Christmas puddings to send to them, and worked with “sailors rest” facilities ashore. https://wednesdayswomen.com/agnes-aggie-weston-mother-of-britains-royal-navy/

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What an interesting story. I think we forget how much a coastal nation England has been in these days of air travel. Full military honors at her burial. Thank you for this.

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Great story!

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