Dodecanese...the twelve something-or-other (islands?) My claim to fame is that I can count from 1 to 20 in Greek. I can also cuss in Greek, and order some ice cream.

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The Magus by John Fowles, seems to address this situation in the form of a novel, that reveals the duplicity of the main charactor Conchis (the Magus) slowly reveals that he may have collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.

The novel is a very weird psychological drama involving hypnotc mind control of those who have come under the control of the charismatic Conshis and his dogmatic contro of the cult he has organized around him.

Thank you for the new information revealed about the Greek collaborators during WWII.


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I have seen that book and not read it. Now I will.Can you imagine these files sitting there for all those years?!

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Actually, yes. In 1944, when Franco realized that France was falling to the Allies and he was cut off from Hitler whom he was thought was doomed, he ordered the diplomatic staff to start printing up visas for Spanish consulates to hand out to Jews so they could escape the German dragnet. In practice, none of them seem to have ever been given out, but Franco was mainly interested in buffing his political reputation.

I think Clementi is right there - the local Italian police personnel likely just wanted to go home at the end of the war, and thought that the Allies finding those files would be bad, so they just locked the door, and left it behind.


the germans were a little more thorough with their document destruction

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The immediate days after surrender were crazy. A very good writer--sort of spy novels--Bernie Gunther is main character. Some of them look at this period. https://berniegunther.com/

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