Darcy Glinto (Harold Ernest Kelly)1 was fined for “coarse and obscene” books and remanded to jail in 1942 in Britain.2
“slum-rat with an underwear fetish, junkies, brothels, etc.” -tagline for Yours Truly, Hoodlum.
“His work was sabotage; his recreation women” - tagline for No Mortgage on a Coffin.
“She was Irish and her hot blood could not submit to the steamy confinement of a machine shop and the baiting of the vicious old forewoman. She cut loose..” -tagline for Road Floozie
Bibliography of Darcy Glinto fiction at Classic Crime Fiction.3
Glinto’s books were banned for decades in Australia.
Cost of Road Floozie at ABEBOOKs on 5/3/2021—US$ 249.09, Shipping: US$ 22.94.
SFE. Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Harold Ernest Kelly (1899-1969) UK author and publisher of Everybody's Books and Robin Hood Press. As Eugene Ascher he wrote the Lucian Carolus series of occult detective novels. As Preston Yorke he wrote The Gamma Ray Murders (1943), and Space-Time Task Force (1953) where robot-like "syntho-selectives" rule Earth and turn to Primitives (true humans) to defend against an alien invasion.
Darcy Glinto. Classic Crime Fiction.