"Hermeticism is named for Hermes Trismegistrus, ("thrice-greatest Hermes") who lived in Hellenistic Egypt during the 2nd century A.D., and wrote on the subjects of Greco-Babylonian astrology and alchemy."

Hrmmm. He isn't specifically *real*, but a figure of legend - a syncretic god stepped-down in power to a de facto demigod. (I regard him as effectively the conversion of the Mesopotamian Nabu and the various Mesopotamian mystic arts imported into the Greek sphere and modernized.


that kind of carryover from earlier wasn't well understood in the 50's, much less earlier, and not that many people have gotten the memo

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I love Brown's The Da Vinci Code, which I read when it first came out. I loved the movie too.

I had ben studying the Priori of Sion, and had several books that discussed the real history of this rather mystical location.

One of these books is: The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail Paperback – 2 May 1996

by Henry Lincoln (Author), Michael Baigent (Author), Richard Leigh (Author)

When the Dan Brown novel came out, I realized instantly what it was based on...and so bought his book. Really well written, a fast paced mystery adventure.

The real story goes that the Priory of Sion was formed to protect the sacred bloodline of Jesus Christ from the Catholic church, which feared the threat to its power and the terrible truth that would fatally undermine the papacy’s authority and fabulous wealth.

The Messiah had conceived at least one child with Mary Magdalene, who had fled to France after the crucifixion. Her descendants were the Merovingian kings overthrown in the eighth century CE who ruled over a large part of modern France, Germany and Switzerland.

The priory’s aim was to reinstate the dynasty and establish a Christian theocracy over Europe ruled by the descendants of Jesus. The Knights Templar had been formed by the priory to achieve this objective, whatever the official reasons given for their creation.

Subsequent centuries had seen a secret battle played out between different forces including the priory, the Templars, the church and Freemasons. They were fighting and scheming for control of the Holy Grail. But what exactly was the Grail? A physical object like a cup used at the Last Supper or the bloodline of Jesus Christ? The so-called Sang Real?


Thank you for another great post Kathleen


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I'm not a huge fan of his novels, but I'm a huge fan of library donors, so go Dan Brown!

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Is there anything you don't know?

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It's the "L" word that draws me on.

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You do realize that was a very naughty show on Showtime, if I recall correctly.

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Ha, ha--to me it means L-ibrary.

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