“Carmen Miranda’s Ghost” is an example of Filk Music on site today at the (free) Encyclopedia of Music Genres by George Eberhart.1
Filk is a musical culture, genre, and community tied to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Filk has been defined as folk music, usually with a science fiction or fantasy theme, but this definition is not exact. —George Eberhart
The beginning of “Dawson's Christian,” track 2 of Carmen Miranda's Ghost reminded me of “Far From Any Road” by The Handsome Family that was used in True Detective.
Eberhart, George. Encyclopedia of Music Genres. Substack.
Evocative music, courtesy of "True Detective". Very nice selection!
I had a flatmate who was a huge fan back in the day so I've heard their first couple of albums a lot. They also seem like a lovely modern couple .https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/may/23/handsome-family-interivew-folk-music
Actually just came here to say I'll miss your comments over on Freddie's newsletter as well, that's where I discovered this lovely place. He's not wrong, but I will miss the commenters I like for the next month.