Interesting. There's a similar debate going on in the U.S. mineral industry regarding prospect data developed on mining claims located on public lands. The idea is that when a claim owner drops the claims, that all the prospect data for that claim should be turned over to a geologic materials information database. Not just the data, but the mineral samples and rock cores, as well. Some mining companies do this voluntarily and provide for an outstanding resource for future prospectors.
As one with a deep distrust and dislike of all things proprietary, I hope the Barcelona Declaration will prevail. Open source; open mind ... words to live by.
Interesting. There's a similar debate going on in the U.S. mineral industry regarding prospect data developed on mining claims located on public lands. The idea is that when a claim owner drops the claims, that all the prospect data for that claim should be turned over to a geologic materials information database. Not just the data, but the mineral samples and rock cores, as well. Some mining companies do this voluntarily and provide for an outstanding resource for future prospectors.
As one with a deep distrust and dislike of all things proprietary, I hope the Barcelona Declaration will prevail. Open source; open mind ... words to live by.