"Among the Americana lots was one of the rarest and important Revolutionary War narratives, Ethan Allen’s account of his captivity in British prisons printed in 1779, along with scarce cartographic lots related to the Great Lakes region, and choice works on travel and exploration."

One of those moments of trying to remember if I'm related to him or not. 😎

"Frederik Pohl’s L. Ron Hubbard Lifetime Achievement Award. A silver loving cup mounted onto a carved walnut base with engraved plaque. Awarded to Frederik Pohl for his achievements in the science fiction genre."

Interesting that Pohl gave that one up. I wonder about the Nebulas and the Hugos.


i always try to forget about elron

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Potter and Potter is an excellent auction house.

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That's quite a collection of books to have in one sale. I hope the new owners preserve them well for future generations.

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