Well, if you like Beardsley (I do!), you should really love, or a least totally like Orphné Achéron: https://www.artsy.net/artist/orphne-acheron .


good post

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grand link!

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Do you live in a Holiday Inn Express?

I always feel so much smarter after visiting one of your columns.

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I find things when I'm getting a class ready. If it's new to me I try to explore. How are you?

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The hydrocephalus has sped up deterioration of cognitive functions.

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I'd love to see this exhibit, but I don't expect to be in NY. Too bad it is not going to travel around the country.

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I know..they should take it on the road.

I see it is St. Hildegard's feast day.

I just read an article about her manuscript being taken by the Soviets and how it was returned...in a very out of the way journal--Plainsong & medieval music.

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