You're welcome. Great article.

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This is the book I mentioned. I read this when I was in my 20s:

The Eternal Man: Ancient Aliens and Human Evolution Paperback – January 20, 2017

by Jacques Bergier (Author), Louis Pauwels (Author)

Are we older and wiser than we know? Why must humanity and its history necessarily be young? Why do we impose this ideological limitation, when there is so much evidence for mankind's perpetual recurrence? Is there any proof that any cultures are irrevocably mortal?

There are cultures that apparently flowered for thousands of years. Some of the cultures that we call primitive have already existed for so long that they seem to have no beginning and no end. Could they actually be immortal?

Might not the truth be that during past ages, man has often tried to climb the rungs of the ladder that lead to a high immortal culture, but has slipped and fallen? Perhaps we are even now in the process of building a culture that will know immortality on Earth and in heaven.

Perhaps within the cynical, doom-ridden attitudes fashionable today lie the seeds of imagination needed to see the possibilities of a "plastic" reality, where photons can - through observation - bend to our collective will.


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JPL began as Jack Parsons Laboratory. The name was changed after Parsons blew himself up with an experimental rocket propellent.

Parsons was an occultist as much as a scientist. He and L. Ron Hubbard were close friends when they were younger. Both men dabbled in 'Magick' ala Aleister Crowley. The two had a falling out when Hubbard 'stole' Parsons girlfriend during one of their magical orgies.

A great many conspiracy theories have been generated due to Parsons-Hubbard-Crowley linkages and the fact of the Nazi occultists rocket scientists that were brought to America by Operation Paperclip. There is a deep history of Nazi occult studies that actually became the basis for 'Raiders and the Lost Ark'.

I was into these esoteric subjects as a young man, as a branch of my love for science fiction

'The Eternal Man' was a title I read in the late 50's...I don't recall the author. It was about the search for ancient UFO crash sites by the Nazis on the 40s.


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What, really??? I did a section on Crowley being banned at Oxford.

I will follow up. I did find this: https://www.supercluster.com/editorial/the-occult-history-behind-nasas-jet-propulsion-laboratory

O my, I wish I didn't have to work today...

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Yea, that is part of the Jack Parsons story as I have read it... it has been a good fifteen years now since I last thought about it.

I look forward to an article on Parsons from you!!

Hey I want to mention that I am really getting ragged on at Greenwald's current forum. Now Charles Clemmons is all pissed off about my latest blog on MKUltra. He got real nasty about it and has joined up with that clown Russian-bot to oink at me. I have shut down conversing with Charles, as I have with Russian-bot for the last 7 or 8 GG forums.

This is the article that caused the ruckus:




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And yet, the chances are pretty good we will miss the BIG ONE that comes in fast from deeper space. Dreams of Armageddon are made of this. Perhaps more of a premonition.

Fun article Kathleen!


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A database is really a library so fair game for me. Also, it was fun to figure out that I could add the image that spins a gif, I think,

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Yep! I am intimately familiar with the Small Body Database! 😁


part of the fun of figuring out the meaning of an asteroid name

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That could be a substack!

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