Many thanks to Larry T. Nix who writes the Library History Buff. Larry is a collector of postal artifacts related to libraries and exhibits many of these items at national level stamp shows.
To the post last night about Donald Evans, Larry has suggested a 2012 blog entry at Library History Buff about John Held Jr.’s Annotated Bibliography of Mail Art (1991). Read about it here:
I looked to see if I could get a copy and there are 4 available ranging from $95.00- $550.00:
A comprehensive bibliography listing nearly 2,200 sources (from 36 countries) of information on mail art from books, magazines, newspapers, and catalog essays between 1955 and 1989. Annotated Bibliography of Mail Art - AbeBooks
Larry T. Nix and Bibliophilately
Larry T. Nix is an expert in Bibliophilately—Postage stamps that depict libraries or librarians — a significant component of postal librariana.
You can see Larry’s exhibits here:
They include:
"America's Library - The Library of Congress", 8 frame display division exhibit
Shown for the first time at StampShow 2010 in Richmond as a 10 frame exhibit where it received a Silver Award. After revisions and a reduction to 8 frames, the exhibit received a Gold Award at the 2011 the St. Louis Stamp Expo. It also received the award for the Best Display Division exhibit at St. Louis. It also received a Gold Awards at the National Topical Stamp Show 2011, at MILCOPEX 2011in Milwaukee, and at CHICAGOPEX 2011. It received a Vermeil Award at NAPEX 2011 in the Washington, D.C. area.
"America's Presidential Libraries and Museums", 6 frame display division exhibitShown at AmeriStamp Expo 2010 where it received a Silver-Bronze Award and at AmeriCover 2010 where it received a Silver-Bronze Award and the Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award Medal. It received a Silver Award at MILCOPEX 2011.
"Library Uses of Melvil Dewey's Postal Card", 1 frame exhibit
The first showing was at CHICAGOPEX 2011 where it received a Silver Award. It was shown at St. Louis Stamp Expo 2012 where it received a Silver Award. At the Rocky Mountain Stamp Show 2012 it received a Vermeil Medal and the Best One Frame Stationery Exhibit from the United Postal Stationery Society.
"America's Philatelic Libraries and Museums", 3 frame display division exhibit
Shown non-competitively at the Rocky Mountain Stamp Show in Denver in 2009 and at AmeriStamp Expo 2010. I also have a one frame version of the exhibit titled "The American Philatelic Research Library".
Me, personally, I like Larry’s Bookmobiles on Stamps.
Thanks for the promo, Kathleen.